How to Create an iOS and Android App Using AI Tools

How to Create an iOS and Android App Using AI Tools

How to Create an iOS and Android App Using AI Tools

In this comprehensive tutorial, we will demonstrate how to create both iOS and Android apps with no coding experience using AI tools. We'll accomplish this in a matter of minutes.

iOS App: Tide Times


Creating an iOS app has never been easier, thanks to the AI tool we will use. Even without prior coding experience, this tool will guide us through the entire process.

Initial Setup

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First, download Xcode from the Apple App Store. Xcode is an essential tool for creating iOS apps. Once installed, follow these steps to set up your project:

  1. Open Xcode and create a new project.
  2. Select "iOS" from the top menu and choose "App."
  3. Name your app "Tide Times" and provide a team name.
  4. Use your domain name in reverse for the organization identifier (e.g., "com.example" for "").
  5. Save the project files to a convenient location, such as your desktop.

Linking AI Tool

Next, download and install Cursor AI. This tool will write the code for your app. Link Cursor AI to your Xcode project by following these steps:

  1. Open Cursor AI and select "Open a Folder."
  2. Choose the "Tide Times" folder you created on your desktop.

Using Cursor Composer

Begin by training Cursor AI with relevant documentation, including Apple Swift and UI design guidelines. Follow these steps:

  1. Copy the URL of the Apple Swift documentation and paste it into Cursor AI, naming it "Apple Swift."
  2. Confirm and train the AI tool.
  3. Repeat the process with Apple UI design tips.

With the documentation trained, tag the codebase to enable Cursor AI to see and edit the files created by Xcode. Enter the app description in natural language: "I'd like to make an iOS Tide Times app. Use a tide times API for data, ask the user for a location, remember the location, and display highs and lows in a curvy graph."

Writing and Testing Code

Cursor Composer will now write the code for your app. Accept all changes in Xcode and test the app by selecting a location. If the data does not display, prompt Cursor AI to update the code. Once the code is updated, the app will display the tide times for the selected location.

To improve the design, instruct Cursor AI to: "Show only 24-hour tides in the table, add data with highs and lows in text, and make the UI visually appealing."

Test the app on a virtual iPhone within Xcode by selecting a device and clicking the play button. The app should display tide times for various locations with a beautiful design.

Creating an App Icon

Design an app icon using AI tools like DALL-E and MidJourney. Follow these steps:

  1. Generate a prompt in DALL-E and create the icon.
  2. If needed, refine the design using Photoshop.
  3. Upload the icon to the app's assets in Xcode.

Deploying to a Physical Device

Connect your iPhone to your computer, enable developer options, and trust the computer. Select your iPhone in Xcode and click play to install the app on your device. The app is now fully functional on your iPhone.

Android App: Best Bike Day


Creating an Android app is equally simple with the help of AI tools. This section will guide you through the process.

Initial Setup

Before starting, please subscribe to the channel for more tutorials.

First, download Android Studio. Follow these steps to set up your project:

  1. Open Android Studio and follow the setup wizard.
  2. Select "New Project" and choose "Empty Activity."
  3. Name your app "Best Bike Day" and provide a package name (e.g., "com.example").
  4. Save the project files to a convenient location, such as your desktop.

Linking AI Tool

Next, download and install Cursor AI. This tool will write the code for your app. Link Cursor AI to your Android Studio project by following these steps:

  1. Open Cursor AI and select "Open a Folder."
  2. Choose the "Best Bike Day" folder you created on your desktop.

Using Cursor Composer

Begin by tagging the codebase so that Cursor AI can see and edit the files created by Android Studio. Enter the app description in natural language: "Best Day for Bike Ride app. It needs to use an API to get local weather conditions for the next 7 days and display them on screen."

Writing and Testing Code

Cursor Composer will now write the code for your app. Test the app on a virtual Android device by clicking the play button in Android Studio. The app will display the weather for the next 7 days as requested.

To enhance the app, instruct Cursor AI to: "Create an algorithm that combines weather conditions, temperature, rain chance, and wind speed to generate a percentage score for the best bike days. Color code the weather cards from red (rubbish) to green (perfect) and enhance the UI."

Restart the app in Android Studio to see the updated design and functionality.

Creating an App Icon

Design an app icon using MidJourney. Follow these steps:

  1. Generate a prompt in MidJourney and create the icon.
  2. Refine the design as needed.
  3. Upload the icon to the app's assets in Android Studio.

Deploying to a Physical Device

Connect your Android phone to your computer, enable developer options, and switch on USB debugging. Select your device in Android Studio and click play to install the app on your phone. The app is now fully functional on your Android device.